Self Care

Meet Moonshine

I like to write.
So I created a character to give my tips some life. Basically telling a story based on my character when she is dealing with some issues. Then I give some tips on dealing with the issues. 
Sometimes, I just use my character for short stories. I am currently in the process of writing a short, children’s story based on my character and her dog. Years in the making. You can sign up for more information and updates on that below. 
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So if you ever come across Moonshine and Moonpup in my future posts then you will know.
Give me a situation and I will create a story with them.

A little background of Moonshine and Moonpup


Maybe my love for the moon started when I was younger. I was told I was born during the peak of the August full moon aka the Sturgeon Moon. I had no friends so I would look up to the moon and pray that I would someday. She became my best friend. Every night I would talk to her, telling her my biggest dreams, fears, basically everything.  Always there for me when I needed her and I knew she would always be there.

My mom always told me my smile was as bright as the moon which is how she got my name Moonshine. She is my light. She tells me to look up at the moon when I feel lonely and know she is always staring back at me sending me love no matter how far away we are.

My love for moons made me name my puppy Moonpup. He lays right next to me on summer nights when we go outside to look at the moon. He is my angel whom I got just months after my mom’s passing

Q & A

Hair and eye color- purple

Age- 16

Dog is like a tan, wolf puppy. Not blue like I drew up there. He is based on my boo boo bear, Kobe

norfolk terrier

Where do I get the photos?

I can not draw so I get them online.

My favorite is I emailed them and made sure it was ok to use the photos as long as I have the source link to them

I also just Google ‘dress up games’ for some photos.

Even searching the Play Store for apps.

I just look at sites to see what I can find. Sometimes to give me inspiration for a story or post snd and other times to work with a post.

For my children’s book, I am going to figure out how to do the pictures.


Hey Earthlings, Tiana here- the introverted animal lover behind Magick Zen. I have been blogging on and off for over 10 years never really finding where I fit in. Finally I have found a spot and there is a spot here for you, you and even you <3


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