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How To Prevent Racism and Bullying

Clouds in the sky with tress in the back

Racism and bullying have become an epidemic in our world today. In the world we live in now more then ever. Races are divided. This should not be the case. We must stick together or nothing will change.

Black Death, it is known to kill. Truth is, guns and bullying happen to be the cause of 90% of all gun/terrorist activity. *Not fact-checked*

I know this is a sensitive topic for everyone, however, Fablemoon Says talks about mental health issues. This has a huge impact on mental health issues as it affects everyone from ages 1-110. It can even have an effect on animals. Yes, animals are subject to bully and a form of racism.

We can make a change to improve the world we live in. It starts with ourselves and then helping the future generation.

I have searched the internet, researched people and found the best tips that will help prevent racism and bullying. So please do be sure to keep reading. Share with people who you think needs some help

I am not saying this will stop racism and bullying as a whole but it is a start. My hope is people will see you implement these tips and it will motivate them to make a change

Be the change



Table of Contents


Do- Teach your kids the dangers about bullying and racism
Don’t– Teach your kid then do it yourself
   Young kids are influenced by what is around then including media and people they know. They see someone they admire doing something and they think it is ok.
Parent “Why did you bully Johnny? I thought I taught you better?”
 Kid ” I saw you bully Jeff, daddy, so I thought it was ok. I want to be like you”
 Just be careful what you say and do as kids are always watching your actions
Do– Teach your kids to tell an adult if they see racism or bullying
Don’t– Be one of those parents who condemn their kid for telling on someone
Parents for further information about what to do if your kid is getting bullied you can head over to Mom In The Middle where she has a wonderful post with the same name. Click here to go now 
Purple background with text that says say no to racism and bullying


Don’t– Give in to peer pressure
Do– The right thing
 I want to redirect you to this video from The Ellen Show where a kid bullied another kid but then went home realized what he did wrong. The next day, he gave the kid he bulled an apology and some clothes
 Chances are this kid was bullying the other due to peer pressure. Know that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If your friends pressure you into anything then they really are not your friends.
 I am not saying you have to buy the kid new clothes but an apology would be nice
Do– Go over and ask if the kid needs help
Don’t– Ignore the situation
  Imagine yourself being in the situation, you would want someone to stand up for you and ask if you need help. This could change someone’s life. Just knowing someone else cares for them when everyone else is against them. You could be the reason this kid goes home and doesn’t take their own life

A friendly ‘Are you ok?’ goes a long way in a person’s life

 Like I said earlier, make sure to get the kid help and tell someone older

Do- Know that we are all bones underneath our skin


Don’t– judge someone based on skin color

  This goes for adults also. We don’t choose what skin color we get. We are born that way.
What our ancestors did in the past, is not who each of us is today. Most of us have learned that what they did was bad. We are trying to change the future by learning from our past.
You are not who your ancestors were. You have the right to be different.


 We can be the change with a little effort.
We are responsible to be role models of future generations.
We must not ignore rude people but change the way they see things. Show them that there is another way besides being rude.
We can make the world a better place.
We must be examples not just for the future generations but for those around us.

We must make the world a better place

Not more guns, no more violence. Just peace and love for our fellow mankind.

On a personal note- I don’t think changing white people voicing black character really will do anything. They are cartoons and should be free range. Sure it will help black voice actors get more jobs but what’s done is done. Not to mention adults voice children, black people voice white people, white people voice yellow cartoon characters (Simpsons) What about those characters? What about those voice actors? If you change something then change the rest of it.
You did not care about changing the voice or name or creating black character then don’t do it now. You are just making yourself seem like you want the news and not that you really cared. Don’t change something just because of what is happening now. Don’t apologise and act like you are so sorry about ever doing it because guess what you are not. People grow yes but if you did not care for the past 10-20 years then don’t act like you care now
 Do you have any other tips that could help our world with this problem? What are your thoughts on the voice changing of well known cartoon characters? Be sure  to share this, comment ‘No Bully’ 
Be the change. We can live in a better world. Bullying and racism must end 
Be sure to share this with everyone you know. That is the only way we can change how people treat other people
Main Pinterest image with text saying how to prevent racism and bullying


Hey Earthlings, Tiana here- the introverted animal lover behind Magick Zen. I have been blogging on and off for over 10 years never really finding where I fit in (story of my life)


  1. I think it's important as parents that we teach by example, and even 'joking' comments that could be construed as racism or bullying can affect our kids. Subtle nuances are often lost on our kids and if they think we are bullying they'll think it's ok for them to do it. For this reason I'm always careful of 'banter' in front of the younger members of my family.

  2. This is a great topic that I appreciate so much as a parent and a professional. The dos and don’t on how to approach this with our kids is a must that I think a ton of parents struggle with. Which is okay! But education and knowledge are power.

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