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Do you love books? How about reading books online? I tell ya, books can be hella expensive these days.
What is good is that online shops are thriving. This means there are 100s of sites that offer free and inexpensive books to download and read.
I am talking FREE AND UNDER $2 here people. How does that sound? I compiled a list of websites for free and cheap books. That way you can start reading them asap- after sharing this post that is ? ?
Free and Cheap Books Websites
Free Booksy
What is great about Free Booksy is you get emails every day about their books of the day. Books range from free to $3
Robin Reads
Another book to email website. You can subscribe and have what genres you like sent to your email. I have fantasy, mystery, horror and sci-fi/fantasy. Again this site has books that range from free to $3
Thousands of books at your disposal. A select few to download for free. Few but also very interesting titles to check out
Many Books
What is this, 50,000+ books to read for free in all genres? You read that right. Many Books has many, many books. They even have an app
Project Gutenberg
What is better than 50,000+ free ebooks? 60,000+ that is. You can even be entered into a $15 raffle for filling out a survey for just visiting their site. Now that is cool
Fun Brain
My kid or even I could read ‘Diary of A Whimpy Kid’ online for free? Fun Brain has loads of free books suitable for young kids. They also have games, videos and more on their site. Such a fun site.
Bonus- Want to start earning money for reading books?
Online Book Club is the place to be. I have done a couple of book reviews- some for free and some for money.
The only thing is you have to read the guidelines very carefully. I have read 3 books but have yet to get a good enough review on my review to earn anything.
Dust off those reading glasses, make some tea and get comfy. It is time for reading. Hope you find some great books with the help of this post.
Know any other sites for free or cheap books? Tell us down in the comments
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These are great sites, with avid readers in the family it will be a handy place to come
Books for all kinds of readers. Thank you Jeanine
Thank you for these ideas! I’m always looking for places to get more books!
You are welcome. I do hope these places help you discover even more books Michelle