Self Care

6 Life-Changing Ways Blogging is Better than Journaling

A dream journal. A journal of personal secrets. A bullet journal. All the known journaling but what about blogging? Can blogging be better than journaling?

What is a blog?

According to Wikipedia– a blog is an informational website published on the internet consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). is a blog focusing on various topics like quizzes, entertainment and lifestyle. A blog usually has niches, making it easier for the writer to earn money. Sticking to 2-3 niches is ideal. A niche being lifestyle, food…

What is a journal

According to– A journal is a record that stores every detail of your life ranging from events, ideas, feelings, and your daily thoughts and memories. In this way, you will be able to remember what you did, what you were thinking and feeling, and what happened when you were younger.

desk, computer, notebook where blogging takes place
6 ways blogging is better than journaling

It helps get your voice out there

If you ever wanted to start a book or talk about something that interests you then blogging is great.

I always wanted to be a writer, blogging gives me the open space to get my writing out there for people to see. Hate comments and all, that is what makes you grow as a writer.

If you are a musician, then you can share your experience of the musical world with others. You can even upload videos to showcase your talents.

You could help change the world

Fablemoon Says was originally created as a mental health blog. Talking about my struggles and giving advice I have learned along the way. It has grown into more of a personal development blog focusing on the 6 Areas of Personal Development.

If I could change the mind or life of one person then it will be worth it. It could start a chain reaction with that person changing other lives.

This has always been my motto. I know that Fablemoon Says most likely will not make millions of dollars like some blogs but some income and helping someone is enough for me.

Can boost your income

Most journals you keep to yourself which does nothing for your income. Blogging can be the journal that earns you that extra cash.

I have earned a few dollars from websites like Google AdSense and Amazon. As I said above, some people make millions of dollars and can quit their other jobs. It does take a lot of hard work to get that income.

I use Namehero for hosting. Neil has some great tips for starting a blog and making more- check it out

money from blogging
You can meet great people and make friends

I have come in contact with so many great people during my blogging journey. Everyone is kind, helpful and supportive. A great online community. People also hold meetups where you can meet fellow bloggers.

I have met a friend or two through blogging. You find people who have the same interest as you and has gone through the same thing you are going through. We all have been struggling beginners at some point.

Helps improve your skills

Skills that will help you in the real world. Grammar is a high component of blogging. I have bad grammar and spelling but with blogging, I can use programs like Grammarly to help. Learning through these apps also helps my brain learn. Do I still suck at grammar and spelling? Yes but I am improving.

Learn to write better with blogging. When starting a blog, you want to make sure you Google everything there is to know. This helps build the brain because you are reading and also learning.

Can be a great stress outlet

We are all looking for ways to destress in this chaotic world. Putting your thoughts on the internet for everyone to see is great.

It helps get the thoughts that have been bugging you out of your head. Helps you connect with like-minded people instead of people who just do not understand.

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Whether it is blogging or journaling that you chose, find a way that helps get your creative juices flowing.

Why not give blogging a try? I have had many blogs where I have failed, many that I just did not care about writing for. That is a part of life though. You try something new and if you fail then it is fine. You learned along the way.

My conclusion is that both have their reasons for being great. So try both. One for public and one for private eyes

Will you start a blog? Do you have a blog? If you do have a blog then leave it down in the comments.

6 ways blogging is better than journaling


Hey Earthlings, Tiana here- the introverted animal lover behind Magick Zen. I have been blogging on and off for over 10 years never really finding where I fit in. Finally I have found a spot and there is a spot here for you, you and even you <3

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