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Journaling is becoming more and more popular. There is a whole YouTube community based solely on bullet journaling. Now you want to get into journaling but you do not know where to start?
As a journal and notebook expert, I am here to show you 6 of the best types of journals you can start with. This is for beginners but experts can take these ideas also.
Remember to have fun and be creative.
Why should you journal
Soooo many reasons
- Gets out your creative side
- Can be used to look at your past life events
- Great for mental health
- Can be cheaper than planners
- Customizable
As I mentioned it is great for mental health and personal development. What are these benefits?
- Try using a journal when you feel depressed or wish to self-harm
- It is easier to write your feelings on a sheet of paper than to tell someone with actual words
How do you start journaling?
Simple. Just grab these top stationery items from my recent post. Then jump right into it.
In each section, I did include some links to Amazon (affiliate) with the journals I suggest using.
What are the 6 best types of journals for newbies?
Bullet Journal
Bored of boring planners? Want to create something more personal?
Then you should check out bullet journaling.
What is bullet journaling? Basically, a creative way to make your own planner.
What can you add to a bullet journal?
- A habit tracker
- A calendar
- Notes
- Food tracker
- Mood tracker
- To do a list
The best part about a bullet journal is that you could be as creative as you wish. You can create a whole new theme every month. June is the start of summer so create a summer theme. July can be Independence day (if you are from America) December holiday time.
All your spreads can have something to do with your monthly theme. Watch AmandaRachLee for some inspiration
Most new bulleters start out with a grid notebook. It makes things easier when you wish to create a certain size calendar.
This grid notebook has all the essentials including stickers and pens.
You don’t have to make it super jazzy, you can make it basic. Anything that makes you happy.
Dream Journal
Dreams are the gateway to our greatest secrets, fears and desires. Dreams are important as they can give us insight into our own life.
Ever dream about a tornado? Did you know it means there is destruction, things are not in order or going right? Yeah, dreams have meanings.
You can use a journal to write down any dream you remember. This can also help improve your dreams to make them more clear.
Dreams in the metaphysical world. Dreams in the physical world would be under Goals which I have down below
Ha, this notebook is great to capture your dreams since it says ‘What the fuck did I dream last night?” Genius
Dream as big as the galaxy
Gratitude Journal
It is easy to forget what we have when we really want something.
When things were going bad in my life, I took out my notebook and wrote all the things I had that I was grateful for. I also did a positivity tree so I could hang it up on my wall.
Protip- you can make a positivity tree in your notebook. Add different things than the one you have on display
What are you grateful for?
- Water
- Electric
- Life
- Family
- Friends
- Food
Affirmation Journal
Affirmations are little sayings that we repeat to ourselves often usually to build confidence.
“You are beautiful“
“You deserve to be on this Earth“
When you wake, before bed, or during any spare time, you have to repeat some of these little words.
It sort of is like manifesting. Manifesting is when you imagine yourself having something that you want (like a house), working towards it, and believing until it eventually happens. Every day you manifest everything in your life.
*Protip* You can also make a manifest journal. Add some saying like:
“I have the home of my dreams“
“I live the life I desire“
Write down what you want and be specific. A house? Number of rooms. If you want a backyard. The size of the yard…
Health Journal
Looking to get healthy or just want to track your health? Try a health journal. This kind of journal can be triggering for some. There are ways around that.
A health journal is great for recovering bulimics and anorexia patients. Why? Most therapists (especially in recovery) suggest writing down what you ate and your mood for the day. It can help a lot with the healing process. This journal is great as it has things like mood, grateful, wins and goals for tomorrow
What can you put in this journal?
- Food tracker
- Exercise tracker
- Weight loss/ gain tracker
- Habit tracker
- Mood tracker
- Your thoughts
- Inspirational photos and quotes
This journal is a perfect health journal for beginners as it includes things like a weekly meal planner, daily calorie counter, goals of the month and more. There is a section where you can write down your weight and measurements. You do not have to use that page if you do not wish.
A healthy body starts with a healthy mind
Goal setting journal
All of the things you wish to accomplish in life are what you would put in a goal-setting journal.
- Health goals
- Travel goals
- Dream goals
Make a page dedicated to each specific goal
- How will you achieve that goal
- What is your timeline
- Photos of you accomplishing your goal
- Notes on your journey
- When do you wish to accomplish your goal
- Inspiration to help you achieve them
Protip– Break down bigger goals into smaller ones. For example- Big goal= lost 20pounds by 2023. Ok goal= 10pounds by 2023. That way you are ok with not hitting your big
Erin Condren really has some of the best journals and planners out there. Customizable and full of everything you need. This goal planner is perfect
There you have the 6 best types of journals that all beginners should start with.
Since we are in the digital age, you do not have to buy physical notebooks. There are many sites, programs and apps that will help with any of these types of journals. Just type in the search term into Google to find the right one for you.
No matter how you chose or what kind you chose, I do hope you have fun with your journaling.
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