Self Care

5 Signs of Burnout and How to Get out Of it

Working long hours. Studying long hours. A lot of things can cause a person to burn out.

There are 5 signs of burnout. Knowing the first 2 signs is the most important. That way you can help fix your problem before it escalates to a breakdown.

Today we are talking about these warning signals making them easy to understand. Everything about burnout with some tips to overcome it. So be sure to read this, save it and remember if. For we can prevent burnout before it happens if we watch closely.

What exactly is burnout?

Burnout is basically when your body feels run down so it wants to quit. Emotionally, mentally, and physically your body and mind just can not take it.

Luckily it has nothing to do with actual burning. Though you may have a burning sensation when the physical stress gets overwhelming.

Why is burnout so bad?

Burnout can have lasting effects on the body and mind. As well as it can drive people fo suicide if they do not seek the right treatment.

It can lead to substance abuse and physical abuse.

You of course do not mean any of this harm but your mind is screaming for help. It has no other way to cope with the variety of symptoms.

1. The Excited stage

Took that promotion with those long-hour days for extra money. You can do it. You need the money and you are excited about this new chapter.

Burnout only happens to 70% of employees and people. I got this as I am one of the 30% who knows how to handle stress and the signs.

2. Stress level 1 stage

Ok maybe picking up all those hours to earn that money was not such a good idea. You are sleeping less. Your heart is racing with too many things starting to pile on your plate.

It is ok though you got this. I mean what is the worse that could happen, right?

3. Stress level 4 stage

This is when shit hits the fan. Where you can go into substance abuse. Anger issues can occur due to a lack of sleep.

You say you are sorry and you will take the time to get some help. Try to relax a little bit but it is a lie. You have to keep going. You need that money or those good grades.

You start taking things out on family and friends when you see them.

Downloadable pdf infographic found here

4. Stress level 10. Burnout time

You are running on empty. You know you have to make a change.  You are in dire need of rest. You feel so numb that you are not acting like your normal self anymore. You are not sure what normal even means.

Your family and friends can see something is wrong. They try to say something but you just rub them off

You are feeling pain emotional and physical. Pain that you can’t seem to get rid of. Crippling pain where you are unable to do anything.

  • Wondering why you are crying at every little thing.
  • You can’t find happiness anymore.
  • Getting angry at everything
  • Pain everywhere in the body
  • Isolation
  • Self doubt

5. Burnout becomes your everyday life/thinking

This is not your fault. Sometimes burnout can strike us like lightning. Hitting so quickly that we do not see it until we are burnt by the force.

If left untreated, burnout can lead to changes in everyday life. Changes that are just as bad for everyone as they are for you.

Tips to help cure and prevent burnout

The main tip I have for you is to see a therapist. Find out the real reason why you put yourself through all that emotional and physical pain.

  • Learn what your stressors are
  • Avoid your stressors
  • Listen to your body more carefully
  • Learn new coping skills like breathing.
  • Improve work relationships
  • Do not be afraid to say ‘No’
  • Know your limits
  • Therapy
  • Talk to your support system aka family and friends


Burnout is not fun. It is also not something that is easy to control

It is not your fault

Burnout can happen to anyone at any time. The thing is to recognize the stages and relax.

main pinterest image. stages of burnout on pink/blue background


Hey Earthlings, Tiana here- the introverted animal lover behind Magick Zen. I have been blogging on and off for over 10 years never really finding where I fit in. Finally I have found a spot and there is a spot here for you, you and even you <3

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